Free Flowing Dielectric Powders

Eccostock HiK Powder is a series of granular, free flowing powders of adjusted dielectric properties. Though these standard powders are extremely low loss, materials of moderate and high loss can be supplied on special order. Eccostock HiK Powder is distinguished by having an extremely stable bulk density. When poured into a cavity, there is little striation physically or in dielectric properties; the material is extremely stable from point to point. Most of the powders are usable to temperatures in excess of 260°C (500 °F). Eccostock HiK Powder maintains consistent electrical characteristics with respect to frequency in the microwave range. These powders have also been treated to be relatively unaffected by changes in temperature and humidity. Eccostock HiK Powder is reusable.

• Extreme low loss
• Stable bulk density

• Commercial Telecom
• Security and Defense

• Eccostock HiK Powders are used to fill complex shapes and cavities for microwave experiments. Devices can be immersed in the dielectric powders to test the effect of special dielectric mediums. For example, an antenna can be immersed in Eccostock HiK Powder (K=10) and operated to simulate a re-entry plasma.
• Waveguides and cavities can be filled to test the effect of dielectric loading.

• Eccostock HiK Powder is available in the following dielectric constants: 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 9.00 & 12.00.
• Intermediate dielectric constants and Pack-in-Place materials (texture of damp sand) with dielectric constants between 12 and 17 with dissipation factors below 0.001 are available on special order.

代理品牌:Emerson & cuming