One Part Free Flowing Syntactic Foam Powder
Eccostock FFP is a one-part, epoxy-based, free-flowing powder. It cures at elevated temperatures to a rigid, non-burning syntactic foam. It is extremely light weight and provides physical support as well as thermal insulation without increasing the weight or dielectric
constant. Eccostock FFP exhibits minimum shrinkage during cure, exerting minimum stress on delicate components. Cured material can be easily removed with tools enabling access to repair or replace components.Since cured Eccostock FFP is porous, application of an epoxy coating will reduce moisture absorption.
• Low cost
• Low shrinkage during cure
• No mixing required and easy to use as it is a one part curing system
• Commercial Telecom
• Security and Defense
• Eccostock FFP is designed to infiltrate densely populated electronic packages, readily filling available volumes around components. It been used to stabilize crystal oscillators as well as other delicate components that need to be held in place or thermally protected.
• Eccostock FFP has also found its way into machinery operating in high vibration environments to keep electrical components from shaking apart.
• Low shrinkage during cure makes
• Eccostock FFP excellent for encapsulation applications.
• Eccostock FFP is readily available in pints, quarts, gallons, and 5 gallon containers. Pint and quart containers are also available in squeeze bottles for ease of application.
代理品牌:Emerson & cuming